Thursday, August 30, 2012

"Immediate Vicinity*" pictures of Brookhaven Landfill?

From: Martin VanLith
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2012 8:37 AM

Here's what the landfill, which is "only visible from the immediate vicinity,*" looks like from Old Inlet on Fire Island (looking across the Great South Bay; houses on right are at the end of Bay Road; on left at end of Beaver Dam creek):

Here's what it looks like from the Sayville ferry on the way to Cherry Grove [approximately 10 miles distant]: 


* The quote is from the May 8, 2012, Town Board resolution 2012-441, page 12, authorizing the Town to request of the NYSDEC modification of their landfill operating permit to go higher.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Carmans River protection discussion put off

A scheduled discussion on a modified Carmans River watershed protection plan was abruptly canceled at Tuesday’s Brookhaven board meeting.

Councilwoman Jane Bonner was going to introduce the resolutions for the modified version of Supervisor Mark Lesko’s plan to protect the Carmans River. But a death in Bonner’s family Monday night kept her away and she asked that the resolutions not be considered in her absence, town officials said.

The resolution may be introduced at the town’s Sept. 13 board meeting or at a later meeting.


More at:  Newsday, August  29, 2012:



Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Warring armies turn the Carmans River red.

From: Richard Amper <>

Date: August 27, 2012 9:41:45 AM EDT

Subject: Carmans River Watershed Preservation & Management Plan


TO: Carmans River Plan Supporters

Having received few useful recommendations to the original Carmans River
Plan, the Brookhaven Town Board is expected to vote on accepting for
consideration, a modified Carmans River Plan at its meeting of Tuesday,
August 28th.

The plan would include the best parts of the "Study Group" plan with one
major modification.  In deference to community concern, the approval of
designated MF sites would be de-coupled from the preservation plan and would
be addressed after the November election.  The usual re-zoning process would
be employed and Council Members would have veto power over sites they found
objectionable.  In addition there would be a Public Hearing on each site.

With several major projects proposed for the Carmans Watershed, there can be
no further delay on adopting a preservation plan.  That's why I'm asking you
to appear at the August 28th Brookhaven Town Board Meeting to speak in favor
of the Carmans Plan.

The Public Portion begins at 6:00 p.m., but you can sign up to speak as
early as 5:00 p.m..  Speakers are heard on a first come - first served
basis.  You will have just three minutes to speak.  A list of topics you may
wish to talk about follows.

*        This plan is the work of experts and citizens alike and deserves
your careful consideration

*        You are urged to amend the original plan as you see fit, but please
adopt some plan before it's too late.

*        Three major projects in the Carmans Watershed are in the pipeline:
Silver Corporate Park, Avalon Bay and the Yaphank Rail Project.  Their
development, as proposed, would end any chance to save the river.  Please
act on a plan right away.

*        It is essential that the Carmans River be permanently preserved.
Annexing the Carmans Watershed to the Core Preservation Area of the Pine
Barrens will ensure that the river corridor is protected just as the rest of
the Pine Barrens Core.

*        The Town Board has received more input and recommendations than
perhaps any other plan in town history.  Please take the elements you think
will best protect this natural treasure and adopt a plan immediately.

*        The Carmans River is a resource that transcends any council
district or even Brookhaven Town itself.  It's a treasure of regional - even
statewide significance that deserves preservation.

*        The de-coupling of the development component of the "Study Group"
plan from the preservation component addresses the legitimate concerns of
some members of the community.  We must do the preservation, now. 

*        Protection of our irreplaceable natural resources is not a partisan
matter.  80% of Long Islanders consider themselves to be environmentalists,
regardless of party affiliation.  Let the entire Town Board get behind this
historic achievement.

*        The preservation of the Carman River has been reviewed and debated
for nearly two years.  It's time that the Town Board evaluated all that they
have seen and heard and produce an amended plan that includes the best ideas
that have been advanced to date.

*        Please stop the infighting.  Protection of the river is more
important than petty politics.  The Carmans River is too important not to

*        We must not let the Carmans River fall prey to the neglect and
affliction suffered by the nearby Forge River.  Please adopt a plan to
preserve it right away.

*        I believe that years from now, you'll find that preservation of the
Carmans River will represent an accomplishment of which you are most proud.

Of course, you should express yourself in your own words, but these are some
of the arguments that may persuade the Town Board to act affirmatively on a
Carmans River Plan before it's too late.  Thanks.

Address:  Brookhaven Town Hall, One Independence Hill, Farmingville, NY







Sent: 8/25/2012 12:35:08 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: Re: Bonner Slated to Bring Back Carmans River Plan TUESDAY 5PM



Good News ...on Tuesday, August 28th, Councilman Steve Fiore-Rosenfeld will sponsor  a Bond resolution for $40M for critical open space purchases, $30M in the Carmans Watershed and $10M to purchase other sensitive parcels throughout Brookhaven.


Now ....not so good news... on Tuesday there will be another effort to resurrect the failed Carmans River (Development) Protection Plan.


ABCO's  latest assurances from the members of the town council who did not support the plan indicate that none of the four who originally brought forward and supported Resolution 380 have agreed to change their votes.  Resolution 380 was passed to provide a new roadmap designed to de-couple efforts to protect the Carmans Watershed from corresponding initiatives to advance high density multi-family housing, expansion of the Core of the Pine Barrens, as well as the mandatory transfer of development rights program, among other issues.  Clearly, it seems apparent that Supervisor Lesko, and Councilmembers Bonner and Walsh (who in fact also voted for Resolution 380), have now reversed their affirmative votes of last April 24th.  Faced with pressure from PBS's Dick Amper and LIBI's Mitch  Pally all have flip/flopped and are once again advancing the original plan as developed by special interests for special interests.  Clearly it is very important and vital that we keep the pressure on our elected representatives on the Town Council and demand this seriously flawed plan is put to rest once and for all.  Then our communities can continue to move forward with a new process designed to develop an Alternative plan created by community for community.


So ABCO must once again ask our residents to come out on Tuesday and tell the town board "NO" still one more time, we need to continue to demonstrate our support for the strong council members who remain steadfast. Councilmembers Mazzei, Fiore-Rosenfeld, Panico and Kepert are being lobbied, pushed, manipulated and even threatened by members of the former study group to reverse their votes.


Sadly, it appears that Dick Amper, and Supervisor Lesko seem to have convinced Councilwoman Jane Bonner (2nd CD) to introduce another 7 resolutions resurrecting the plan at the very end of the work session on Thursday. This latest attempt comes just two weeks before Mr. Lesko departs his position after serving only nine months of  his second term.  The latest attempt to advance the original plan splits the plan into several smaller pieces among several resolutions.  Perhaps if one reso fails perhaps others may still pass?  The essense and details of the March plan seem to have remained largely the same, including expansion of the Pine Barrens Core, another Home Rule Message to the State Legislature to once again enact the same bill they did in June of 2011.  Additionally, one reso seeks approval of  the original DGEIS as prepared for the March 2012 plan...along with the MF scorecard,  etc.  Oh yes,  the whole objectional  ball of works.  


Sadly, it seems that Ms. Bonner may have been distracted and simply didn't hear all the testimony regarding the many other mirad complex objections regarding the plan; including the seriously flawed science, inadequate water quality standards and open space protections, the huge 'oversight' in failing to include all public lands within qualified protection zones, the obvious agreement to exempt from the plan large and potentially destructive projects, and the massive over-development of Brookhaven that would occur and would be sanctioned by the plan.  Finally still including coordinated state oversight of  local zoning controls regarding the TDR credits to the Central Pine Barrens Commission, a state entity.  Site plans would still be reviewed...just not easily rebuked or denied.


Although a complete detailed review of the 7 resolutions is now on-going, the latest plan appears to only delete the previously identified multi-family TDR recieving sites. Instead it would appear to now include the entire town as available recieving areas for the 'as of right' transfer of development (750+ TDR's) still mandated by the plan. 


 Still, the development lobby continues to  push very hard to modify or pass two new zoning codes...neither were previously vetted with all council members, the civics, residents or our communities.  One reso also expected on Tuesday revises the present MF code and another reso proposes enacting a separate new code section labeled 'Next Generation Housing'.   Could be more higher density housing is still coming to Brookhaven no matter which code is used. Let's hope the entire town council is not hearing impaired and understands that apart from some limited areas and communities most of our residents do not want higher density housing no matter what it is called. 


Also some of the plan's most ardent advocates are contiuning to threaten the town with a lawsuit if it don't provide more sites for TDR development under the old 1992 Pine Barrens credit program.  Irony is; these are the very same developers who routinely refused to purchase appropriate Pine Barrens Credits in developing much of Manorville, Medford, Miller Place, Mount Sinai, as well as other areas where higher density housing, huge condo complexes and massive McMansions,  have been constructed over the last two decades.  Lession:  when the .fox is in the chicken coop and quietly kills all the chickens, he will still yell "where's my dinner"! Such are the developers at work here...the process is outrageous and must be brought to a halt...Tuesday seems like a good time.


Sadly, what seemed to be a welcome and unaimous accord reached last April via Reso 380 to decouple the elements of the poorly disguised development plan have disappeared.   No one can approve officials casting insincere and bogus votes to deceive  the public, but more importantly some members of the town Council seem fully vested in continuing to serve special interests rather than serving the best interests of the Carmans River or carrying out the expressed will of the people of Brookhaven. 


MaryAnn Johnston


Saturday, August 18, 2012

Family and Friends of George Stoney have invited you to watch the George C. Stoney Memorial on MNN

From: Family and Friends of George Stoney
Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2012 4:33 PM
Subject: Family and Friends of George Stoney have invited you to watch the George C. Stoney Memorial on MNN


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August 17th, 2012, 8pm


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Earth to Down East, come in...(imagine radio static)

From: Martin VanLith
Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2012 3:40 PM

Subject: Earth to Down East, come in...(imagine radio static)



Officials: Lesko to resign as Brookhaven supervisor

Published: August 15, 2012 2:56 PM

Mark Lesko is resigning as Brookhaven supervisor to run the Accelerate Long Island project, according to town board members.

Lesko, a Democrat and former federal prosecutor who was elected to office in a special election in 2009, helped found the Accelerate Long Island project, which seeks to transform Long Island into a hub for technology companies.

Lesko, who did not immediately return calls for comment Wednesday afternoon, was re-elected to his second term in November.

Current deputy supervisor Kathleen Walsh, a Republican, said his departure means it is likely she will act as supervisor until a special election can be held -- within 60 to 90 days of Lesko's last day in office.

"It's a bit of a surprise," Walsh said Wednesday. "I would love for him to stay around as supervisor because I think he does a good job."

According to Kevin Law, president of the Long Island Association, which helped launch the Accelerate Long Island project, Lesko plans to resign as supervisor after Labor Day to become its full-time executive director.

"He brings a passion for the initiative. He has been involved with everything that Accelerate Long Island has done for the last year and a half," Law said.

Lesko's departure will come as the town prepares a parsed-down budget for 2013, which has a town deadline of Sept. 15.

At a June work session with the town board, Lesko warned that Brookhaven could use up its $49 million surplus in two years unless it curtails spending and eliminates some jobs.

His recommendation to consolidate departments, including the Highway Department, into a new Department of Public Works will be the subject of a public hearing Aug. 28.

Lesko had also proposed expanding in height the town landfill, which generates about $45 million a year for Brookhaven, by 50 feet to bring in another $2 million a year. The town was hit with a procedural claim filed Friday by a community group dedicated to stopping the proposed expansion.

But these difficulties, his board members said, are not the reason that Lesko is leaving. "The supervisor is a very difficult job, no matter who's sitting in that seat," said Republican councilman Tim Mazzei. "I don't think the budget crisis had anything to do with that."

"If it were me and somebody made me an offer like this, it would be hard to say no," said Conservative councilwoman Jane Bonner. "He's young, he's energetic, he's a go-getter. As I've come to know him he doesn't like to rest on his laurels."

Brookhaven Town Supervisor Mark Lesko Resigning

From: larry tierney []
Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2012 6:42 PM
Subject: Brookhaven Town Supervisor Mark Lesko Resigning



"Mark Lesko is stepping down as the supervisor of the Town of Brookhaven, the geographically largest township on Long Island, to take a top position at a local nonprofit that focuses on spurring innovation in the region.

Lesko, a Democrat, made the surprising announcement in a statement late Wednesday afternoon, saying he will step down in September to become the executive director at Accelerate Long Island. Deputy Supervisor and Councilwoman Kathleen Walsh will temporarily take over for Lesko.

"It has been an incredibly rewarding and inspiring experience," said Lesko, who has been supervisor since 2009. "I am proud of what my Brookhaven team has accomplished in over three years."

Kevin Law, executive director of the Long Island Association, called the board's unanimous decision to pick Lesko a "no-brainer."

"He's a leader, he's a manger and he knows how to get along well with others," said Law.

"It is my hope that Accelerate Long Island will have a profound economic impact on the entire region for years to come," Lesko added.

Lesko, a former federal prosecutor, was re-elected last November when he beat Republican Cecile Forte 58 to 41 percent.

Walsh, his successor, also released a statement. "Together, we worked in a bipartisan fashion to hold the line on property taxes and ensure that Town government is always doing the very best job it can for its residents.

"I wish Mark luck as the Executive Director of Accelerate Long Island, where I am confident he will be successful in creating the innovation-based economy and high-tech jobs we so desperately need on Long Island."

A special election for a new supervisor will be held this fall at a date to be determined."





FW: Landfill Expansion Article 78 announced

From: Martin VanLith
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2012 7:42 AM
Subject: Landfill Expansion Article 78 announced


Community coalition tries to block landfill expansion

Originally published: August 13, 2012 8:56 PM
Updated: August 13, 2012 9:32 PM

Photo credit: James Carbone | Town of Brookhaven landfill located on Horseblock Road in Yaphank. (July 5, 2011)

A community group formed to help Brookhaven decide the future of the town landfill has filed a claim in state court to stop the town from expanding the Yaphank facility by 50 feet.

A lawyer for the Brookhaven Community Coalition filed the Article 78 claim, which is used to appeal decisions made by governing bodies, in Suffolk County Supreme Court on Friday.

"We are extremely hopeful that this will stop the unnecessary height expansion of the landfill and get the town to understand they need to begin a process for closing it in ten years," said coalition member Adrienne Esposito. "No more dumping on lower Brookhaven."

A Brookhaven spokeswoman said town officials received the challenge late Monday afternoon, "and the town attorney's office is currently reviewing it."

The Article 78 accuses the town of failing to follow state environmental law when town board members adopted a resolution in May to amend a 2002 environmental impact statement, which described the landfill's environmental effects on the surrounding communities at its current height of 270 feet.

Hoping to someday ask the state Department of Environmental Conservation for permission to expand the landfill by 50 feet, the town argued that the 2002 findings would be also relevant for a higher landfill of 320 feet and amended the 2002 environmental statement to include the new height and lengthen the time the landfill stays in business.

The struggling town earns $45 million in yearly revenue from the landfill. Failure to expand could lead to higher property taxes or layoffs, town Supervisor Mark Lesko has said. The expansion could earn the town another $2 million a year.

But coalition members, who have met several times with Lesko and the town board to discuss alternatives to expansion, say town officials are not listening. Filers of the challenge want the May resolution annulled, thus preventing the town from seeking DEC permission to build the landfill higher.

Michael Mulcahy, a Bellport resident who is a named party to the claim, said he was tired of hearing about expansion plans from Lesko. "I just think they're just trying to push this through fast and they know they're in the wrong," Mulcahy said of the town board. "That's why I signed this thing."



Monday, August 6, 2012

Newsday: Man who allegedly threatened Squassux's Landing guard had multiple weapons

Cops: Man who allegedly threatened Squassux’s Landing security guard had multiple weapons

A Brookhaven man who allegedly threatened a Squassux’s Landing marina security guard Sunday, August 5, 2012,, possibly with a handgun, was arrested on multiple charges after police found loaded assault rifles, marijuana plants and a bulletproof vest at his home ....

The complete article can be viewed at:
Cops: Man who threatened guard had multiple weapons