We haven't been following in this blog the Machiavellian details of the restoration work at the Barteau Cemetery in Brookhaven Hamlet sponsored by the Fire Place History club. But after years of cajoling the Town of Brookhaven to open the right-of-way to the cemetery (including a law suit in State Supreme Court), and securing cooperation of the adjacent property owner, access to the cemetery was finally obtained this Spring (in actuality, the Town only cleared part of the right-of-way, so cooperation of the adjacent property owner was crucial).
The Barteau cemetery is the largest of the "family" burying grounds in Brookhaven/South Haven hamlets, and seems to have served as a "community" cemetery for much of the 19th century. The restoration work is being funded by a Town of Brookhaven Caithness Community Benefit fund grant and a substantial grant from the Brookhaven Village Association cemetery maintenance fund. More on the Barteau Cemetery may be found at http://brookhavensouthhaven.org/HamletPeople/tng/showmap.php?cemeteryID=11&tree=
From: Martin VanLith [mailto:vanlith@optonline.net]
Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2012 4:40 PM
Subject: Today's work at Barteau Cemetery
Dear All,
Once again, Hollis did quiet a bit of work today at the Barteau Cemetery. In the process he found the base of the only non-repairable (Nathan Barteau?) headstone that we missed somehow. Hollis told me that he, George and Rick got poison ivy last week working here..., hmmm. I told him that none of us got it (is that true?). He also told me that one of the residents, a fellow named John Deitz, stopped by to talk with him....
Best I can tell, Hollis has about two more days of work to do here. Maybe three. So far the repairs are coming out very well, see pixs.
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