Friday, March 27, 2009

Cemetery maintenance - Update (from the Town)

The following was posted with Carol Bissonette's permission:
Good Afternoon Everyone,
I just wanted to provide all of you with a quick update on the on-going cemetery project.  It is as follows:
1.  The Parks team assigned to visit, locate and photograph ALL recorded cemeteries in the town have gone through the complete list, Parks list.  There are quite a few that have NOT yet been located and a second go round will be done after collating all the data they brought back, cross-referencing against the Town Historian's List and the Town Assessors list.
2.  Inventory forms will be entered and photo's with maps (refer to sample provided to you previously) will be the next inventory phase of the project.
3.  On those located, we will pull together a maintenance needs/requirements list and begin addressing them as quickly as possible.  As a matter of fact, routine maintenance is already underway at some of the cemeteries as we have crews available in the districts to do them.
4. Upon completion of the data entry, photo and map entry and secondary check to find those we can't locate, you will receive copies of the survey forms along with a summary listing of maintenance issues to be addressed such as fence replacement, tree/shrub pruning, headstones that need to be reset, etc.
I hope you will find the above information helpful and we are working as quickly as possible to pull the entire package together with accuracy.
I would like to extend large thanks to Ed Gregory and his team for following through so diligently on physically locating the cemeteries, documenting and photographing them.  This has never been done before and they did a really fine job.
If you have any questions or if I can be of further assistance regarding the above, please let me know.
Thank you and regards,

Carol A. Bissonette
Deputy Commissioner, Parks, Recreation & Sports & Cultural Resources
Office#:  631-451-6112
Cell #:    631-831-3291 

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